Lukáš Haraslín: First goals for Parma

Harasliiiin , supeeeer Harasliiin! Thus shouted Club TV reporter of AC Parma after the great goals by Lukáš Haraslín. He has scored twice for Parma in the competition ,,Primavera“ in the game against Modena ( 5:0 ).

Slovak youngster have first joined the starting line-up after an injury. And from the first minute he played with great attitude. After the break when home players played in  only ten, he scored twice within three minutes. First he beautifully hit penalty area from the corner. ,,I did not want to complicate unnecessarly. Therefore, I have fired and I’m glad I hit it like this, „said Lukáš. In a short time he encouraged himself to great things. Outplayed several opponents, did successfully handle even the goalkeeper and scored into the empty net. It was a beautiful individual action. ,, Well it was from my last efforts, “ Smiled Lukáš.  ,,These hits mean very much to me. After all they were my first goals in jersey of Parma. I would like to dedicate them to my family, „continued our footballer. He played against Modena in the new football shoes that he received from the world famous brand Adidas. And how else could Lukáš celebrate his first goals as a visiting Italian restaurant. ,, With the guys we had pizza, „revealed smiling at the end.

Firs goals of Lukáš:


publikované: 12. 04. 2014

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zastupujeme-hamsikRóbert Mak
