Richard Lásik: Successful return

Po dvoch rokoch sa vrátil Richard Lásik na slovenské prvoligové trávniky. V drese bratislavského Slovana v prvom kole Fortuna ligy absolvoval 85 minút proti Podbrezovej (2:1). ,,Nebol to ľahký zápas. Nováčik sa chcel ukázať v dobrom svetle. Myslím si, že sa mu to aj podarilo. Podbrezová hrala rýchly, behavý futbal. Som veľmi rád, že sme nakoniec vyhrali. Prvá kolo je vždy náročné,“ uviedol Rišo.

Ten v prvom polčase dostal nepríjemného koniara. ,,To bol dôvod, prečo som išiel predčasne z ihriska. Začal mi tvrdnúť sval,“ pokračoval slovenský reprezentant. Síce v piatok nedohral duel proti Podbrezovej, v utorok by nemal chýbať v zostave Slovana v stretnutí 2. predkola Ligy majstrov proti The New Saints FC.

After two years Richard Lásik returned back on Slovak Major League lawns. In a jersey ov Bratislava Slovan in the first round of Fortuna league he have completed 85 minutes against Podbrezová (2:1). ,, It was not an easy game. Novice wanted to show in a good light. I think they managed to do so. Podbrezová played fast, running football. I am very happy that we finally won. The first round is always difficult, “said Rišo.

He got unpleasant groom in the first half. ,, That was why I went earlier from the field. I began to harden muscle, “said Slovak player. Although on Friday he did not finish the duel against Podbrezová on Tuesday he should not be missing in the line-up of Slovan in the 2nd meeting  of qualifying round of the Champions League against The New Saints FC.

publikované: 11. 07. 2014

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