Oficiálne: Norbert Gyömbér prestúpil do AS Rím!

Prestup leta na Slovensku! Norbert Gyömbér (23) sa stal hráčom AS Rím! Od jesennej časti si zahrá nielen najvyššiu taliansku súťaž, ale aj Ligu majstrov! Podrobnosti o najväčšom slovenskom prestupe posledných rokov prezradil Norov licenčný manažér  Juraj Vengloš, majiteľ agentúry CSM-Agency.

Juraj prosím ťa informuj nás o základných faktoch prestupu.

– Noro ide do AS Rím na ročné hosťovanie s trojročnou opciou.

Prestupová suma? V médiách sa objavilo 2,5 milióna eur.

– Ja o prestupovej sume nikdy nehovorím (úsmev)

Slovenský futbalista sa stal hráčom AS Rím dnes. Avšak o jeho prestupe sa hovorilo už dlhé týždne.

– Treba povedať, že o Nora bol veľký záujem. Okrem AS Rím to bola Sampdoria, Palermo a Fiorentina. A takisto aj môj spolupracovník Braňo Jašurek mal pre Norbiho ponuky z ruskej najvyššej súťaže. Rimania však boli počas celého obdobia féroví, mali veľký záujem o slovenského stopéra. S Walterom Sabatinim, riaditeľom AS Roma sme mali veľa sedení. Nakoniec sme sa s Norbim rozhodli pre tento veľkoklub. Dôležitým faktorom bolo aj to, že AS Rím hrá Ligu majstrov. ,,Brzdiacim“ elementom bola aj nejasná situácia v Catanii. Nevedelo sa, že v akej súťaži bude po korupčnej afére štartovať.

Noro prestúpil do top klubu. Zvládne to?

– Jednoznačne áno! Síce veľa ľudí je skeptických, no on má kvalitu na to, aby hral za AS Rím.

Talianska liga sa začne cez víkend. Môže si Norbert odbiť premiéru v drese AS už vo Verone?

– Lekársku prehliadku má úspešne za sebou, dnes už bude trénovať so svojim tímom. S najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou bude v kádri AS Rím na sobotňajší duel vo Verone.

Transfer of the summer in Slovakia! Norbert Gyömbér (23) became the AS Roma player! Since the autumn part of the cover not only the highest Italian competition and the Champions League! Details about the largest Slovak crossing last year revealed Norov license manager Juraj Vengloš, owner of the agency CSM-Agency.

Juraj please do us informed of the essential facts transfer.

– Noro goes to AS Roma on a three-year loan with the option.

Transfer amount? In the media, there have been 2.5 million euros.

– I’m the transfer market amount never say (smile)

Slovak footballer became a player AS Roma today. However, his crossing was discussed already for weeks.

– It must be said that the Nora was very interested. In addition, it was AS Roma Sampdoria, Palermo and Fiorentina. And also by my co Braňo Jašurek Norbiho had to offer from the Russian top league. But the Romans were, throughout the period fair, had a great interest in the Slovak stopper. With Walter Sabatini, director of AS Roma, we had a lot of sessions. Finally, we decided to Norbu for this Livepools. An important factor was the fact that AS Roma plays the Champions League. The braking ,, “element was also unclear situation in Catania. It was not known that how the competition will start after a corruption scandal.

Noro transfer to top club. Can he do it?

– A definite yes! Although many people are skeptical, but he has the quality to playing for AS Roma.

Italian league begins the weekend. You can brush off Norbert debut in the jersey of AS already in Verona?

– A medical examination is successfully passed, now he will train with your team. Most likely it will be in the squad for Saturday’s AS Roma duel in Verona.

publikované: 20. 08. 2015

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